The one where I miss my friends like a sad sap.

December 23, 2008 at 8:54 pm (life, random, relationships) (, , )

Perhaps its because its the holidays, or perhaps because this is the first time in months where I had no obligation besides work therefore leaving me copious amounts of time to sit around and dare I say, think, but yesterday I was hit with an overwhelming sadness of missing my friends. I have very few people in this world who I consider to be true, lifelong friends ( to think that 60 people will be trusted, gracious friends forever is just kind of foolish I think). So to those very few who I love dearly but are all spread out across states, and even continents away right now I’d just like to say, I miss you, deeply.

This is the first time in years that we won’t see each other for the holidays as my parents no longer live in the small Wisconsin town where we all met and went to high school together. I realized the other day that this is the very  first time where we don’t have some sort of point where we’ll all be in the same place at the same time. No holidays, no road trips, no weddings. For the first time ever I honestly have no idea when I’ll get to see my friends again, and its killing me.

So to my girls, even though we’re all separated by states and time zones and oceans this year, I want to tell you that I love you all so much, and I hope that you all have the best possible holidays. I hope we can all get together sometime next year, but until then, Merry Christmas. I love you guys.

At Jennys so many, many, many Christmases ago

At Jenny's so many, many, many Christmases ago

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Precisely why DirectTV can eat my ass

December 18, 2008 at 10:28 pm (life, random) (, , , )

Despite what I now realize is a profane and all around disturbing title to this post, what I am about to say is rather serious and fueled by ever more serious internal rage.

You see, a few months back we were having some problems with our cable provider; the boxes kept shorting out and we weren’t getting the most intelligent service from their personnel. So we decided to switch and make the big-kid upgrade to DirectTV, it had a longer contract but we didn’t care, we were just excited about the services they offered and the free instalation. So John signed up online and two days later the cable guy was set to arrive. He ends up showing up several hours after the latest point of when he said he’d be there, because well, that appears to be in the basic description of every cable guy. What is not so usual is that he was at the house for a total of five hours and didn’t leave till 10 pm. He also brought what he declared to be the “first box he’s ever had not to work”. So hooray, he has to come back but managed to install the dish onto a tree in the common area of our apartment complex with a long cord reaching from the dish into our house. I had a bad feeling from the start. The next day he shows up even later, as in, 11:30 at night. Seriously. He fiddles around for a few hours but can’t get all the channels to work so he has to come back. The next night, at midnight he comes back but we regretfully tell him that we were just told that we can’t have the dish on a tree with the cord reaching across and possibly chocking people. Who would’ve thought? So he tries to move it and get signal, to no avail, so the next day his boss comes out only to tell us that there’s nothing they can do to get signal and it’s not going to work, so he takes it down. We sadly ship back the box the next day and assume that everything is over.

Like hell it was over.

About a week later we receive a bill from them for “early cancellation” for $416. 416 fucking dollars. They are charging us $416 for partial cable that we got for three days that were imposed upon by a nocturnal cable guy. They are charging us because they couldn’t do their fucking jobs.

When we receive this bill my blood is boiling, as is John’s, but we figure that there’s no way that any sort of responsible business would screw over their customers like this so we tried to fight. After several arguments with asshole customer service reps John gets the address for the billing disputes department. He writes them a very polite, yet strongly worded letter describing the entire situation. We expected a response back shortly but now it’s been almost two weeks and nothing.

This story really becomes pure unfiltered bullshit as of today. The bill was due three days ago, but we weren’t going to pay this ridiculous sum until we got a response back. So what do those evil DirectTV bastards do? They take the money out of John’s account. That’s right, three days over due for a bullshit fee and they go into his account and take over $400 without even telling us.

Needless to say but we are never going to be DirectTV customers, and I am writing this to recommend that neither should any of you out there. Did you know that if you have their service and the box malfunctions based upon their ineptitude then they automatically assume that with a new box you essentially have a new contract and start a new one for you on that date, without telling you? So when people assume that they fulfilled their contract at the end of the original two years they end up getting charged this “early cancellation fee” that I’m so fond of. Turns out they are literally thousands and thousands of complaints online about how money grubbing and heinous this awful company is, if only we had the good sense to look at these beforehand. But alas…

So as of this point we’re fucked, I want to keep fighting this but what can you do? Besides bitch and moan on your blog after the fact that is?

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Have you ever…

December 15, 2008 at 11:33 pm (college, life, random) (, )

… been so delusional because of a combination of physically painful exhaustion coupled with one of the worst cold/flu/sinus explosions ever that you thought it was a good idea to sleep for an hour and a half in your car between classes so you didn’t pass out? With no gloves? In 16 degree weather during a snowstorm?

No? Just me?


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Now what?…

December 15, 2008 at 11:26 pm (college, life, random) (, , , )

After months of hard, social life depriving work and sacrifice I am finally through another quarter (only 84 more to go!) and have landed cleanly into winter break after averaging 97 % in my classes this quarter. Boom.

I just found out my grades mere moments ago, but already the joy has worn off with me thinking A. “If only I could’ve gotten a 98 or 99%”…. because I’m an anal retentive perfectionist who doesn’t get out much, and B. “what the hell do I do for the next three weeks?”… because I’m an anal retentive perfectionist who doesn’t get out much.

Aside from Christmas with John’s family I have absolutely no plans for the holidays, not even New Years, and sadly, I’m ok with that. So tell me, aside from work what on earth is a girl supposed to do with three weeks to herself? Frankly, I’m already looking forward to classes starting again. How lame am I?

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Why my life will never be boring

December 11, 2008 at 10:01 pm (life, random, work) (, , , )

As many of you know I work in a bar, it’s a fairly standard place, nothing exceptional about it really. We have regulars who come in very frequently much like any other place, though these people are all neighbors with each other in some form and all live in the posh and pricey high rise condos around us. These people are amazing, not just because they come in all the time and tip crazy good, but they’re also really nice too. A huge plus.

So the other day I get a call from my manager asking if I wanted to do some bartending for one of these regulars who was having a party a few nights later. He said it probably wouldn’t be a ton of money, but it should be fun and I can eat and drink whatever I wanted and I was supposed to socialize and have fun too. At this point I’m pretty stoked at the prospect of making some money to party with fun people, so I was in. The whole “job” lasted a total of 5 hours in which I did the lightest amount of bartending feasible, i.e. combining vodka and soda together in a glass, opening up beer bottles and pouring wine. I also taxed myself by letting one person in, making sure there was toilet paper- Yep, *check*. And just walking around picking up little used plates and cups while making sure that everyone was cool on drinks. This is all in between me talking to people at length, drinking booze and shoving yummy appetizers in my face mind you.

At the end of the night, and end of the easiest bit of “work” I’ve ever done I was paid $350.

I’m serious. This shit just happens to me. The thing that kills me is that everyone at the party was saying how amazing I was as if I had just cured cancer. They were actually impressed with…? Uh, got me. But this is just an example of how though my life might sometimes be ultra lame, boring, and tedious then *BAM* I make $70 an hour one night. Fucking ridiculous.

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I have prevailed! almost…

December 10, 2008 at 2:53 pm (college, life, random) (, )

Over the past two weeks I have been stuck in a hole and now I am one day, and one final, away from officially being done with the quarter. For this I say hallelujah, and hell-fuckin-yah! I have forgotten what society looks like outside of school or work, are there people out there? Do you not have to read until your frontal lobe bleeds? Do you work so hard and get so little sleep that you’ve made yourself terribly sick? Do you not spend days holed up studying biological processes?


You don’t?

You’ve been… Christmas shopping..? Wait, it’s Christmas?!? When the hell did that happen?

This is essentially my thought process right now as I just finished my major research paper (Hooray bitches!) and I only have one, not too stressful final to complete tomorrow. I’m feel so great right now, like I have kicked ass and taken names. But I shouldn’t get too relaxed quite yet…. wish me luck until my freedom is real and absolute.

For three more weeks.

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“What’s goatse?” and other questions I wished I’d never asked.

December 6, 2008 at 5:34 pm (life, random, relationships, sex) (, , , )

About a week ago I was looking over my boyfriend’s shoulder as he looked through a series of  “de-motivational posters” online. This was all fine and dandy until he reached one which showed an obese women about to obliviously sit on her cat who looked like it’s life was flashing before it’s eyes. It’s title was “It’s never too early to experience goatse”, or something along those lines. Now, since I am a naive, innocent, virginal flower, I made the grave mistake of inquiring “What’s goatse?”.

At this moment my boyfriend just slowly turned around, smirked, and laughed devilishly. He tried to warn me at first by saying “you don’t want to know”, of course  that meant that I now had to know. However, he wouldn’t tell me, only stating, “I’d have to show you”.

This is the moment where any rational person with a weak stomach would just walk away, but not me, oh no, I ventured on. But then… the images that Google brought up onto my screen at first confused me for a second or so, “What’s …. that?” ……………………………   “Is that?…..” ………”Oh my God! That’s disgusting! Is that an ass?!? Why would you do that? Why would you want to see that?!? Uh, uh….. that’s what an ass looks like?”

For those of you who have no deep ass-play fetish, nor have been dumb enough like me to actually want to know; goatse, from the best that I can discern, is the act of spreading your butt cheeks as physically far apart as you can for the world to see the inside of your ass and what I suppose is your newly impacted colon.

Gross. Super gross.

What really shocked me most of all is that according to my advanced math I have had an ass for about 24 1/2 years, and during the latter part of those years I have also had various amounts of exposure to other people’s asses. But in no point in time have I ever seen inside of an ass, nor wanted to, at all. However, I find myself really quite surprised that I have had this natural body part my entire life and I never had the slightest idea of what it really looked like. This is one example of how ignorance really is bliss, because this knowledge, this new, foul, disgusting knowledge I now posses, just makes me long to be innocent and naive once again. If only… oh, if only.

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December 6, 2008 at 5:09 pm (college, life, random) (, , , )

It’s probably been between a week and a half or two since I last posted, and pretty much a month since I last seriously wrote on a semi-daily basis, and for this I apologize. I realize it’s been a long time since I’ve been on here since WordPress completely changed the format!

What the fuck WordPress? What the fuck?

Ahh… but I digress. I’ve been so completely distracted because I’ve been stuck in a mind numbing vacuum of 2nd midterms/final projects/reseach papers/presentations/journals/ studying for next weeks oncoming finals.


But then… I’ve also been working full time, have recently gotten grossly sick, and I decided to have PMS on top of everything just for funsies. So yah, I’ve been in my own little world, and I apologize thoroughly. But do expect more regular installments of my inane little life- coming soon!

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