
February 21, 2011 at 5:24 pm (college, life) (, , , )

My life is a gross, hectic mess and the only thing that’s been keeping me mildly sane is the fact that within 13 weeks I will be done with classes. This is also known as the greatest feeling EVER!

That was until I went to speak with my adviser on Friday only to find out that I am missing a class for my minor. Now, mind you, I thought that I had finished up my minor this past summer. I quite distinctly remember sweating my ass off while learning sociological theories.

The reason why I thought this is because no other adviser had ever uttered one single word about there being requirements for my minor other than just the credit hours needed. Not when I first applied for it, not when it was accepted, not when I came in after I thought that I had finished it last summer. Not one single word.


Four different advisers in the past two years and not one said a single word until last week.  I wouldn’t even have a minor if it wasn’t required at this point.

I just want to be done, I can’t stand it anymore. I’m overwhelmed all the time, and next quarter is going to be even harder. I work all the time, I’m in school all the time or working on stories and projects all the time, and that leaves me the ability to be sane and stable none of the time.

I do have an advising appointment with someone in the Sociology department on Friday so my basic plan is to cry and be pathetic; something I excel at. If only I could have minored in being a sad-sack of crap, I would clearly have more than enough credit needed at this point.

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Life gets better; Lia, happier.

February 7, 2011 at 7:02 pm (college, life, work) (, , , )

I’ve been a bit of a whiny bitch as of late. It’s cold, my job hasn’t been fun for months, school was killing me and I was beginning to question my direction in life.

But things are starting to look up. Yes, it’s still cold, but I’m persevering through the rest of it now.

I just got a new job, still bartending, but now at a brand new bar in the most hip and trendy part of downtown that is always busy, no matter what. In other words, money, and lots of it hopefully. And since they’re only open at night it will allow me the perfect opportunity to guarantee that I make a good living while working on freelance stories during the day.

This brings me to school. I had been heartbroken and completely shut down after a harsh critique of a profile I wrote until I realized that I just needed to suck it up. I’m in school to learn to be a better writer and I can’t do that if I won’t allow myself to learn from constructive critisism.

Since this realization I have gotten excellent feedback from other stories, including a personal shout out from my professor on how great my magazine piece was. To say that I’m happy is the understatement of the century.

And now in about five minutes I will schedule what should be my last quarter of college (all depending on whether or not I can squeeze in an internship at the same time, otherwise it will be this summer). Regardless, this means that at the beginning of June I will finally, finally be done with classes and able to begin to live my life the way I’ve been wanting to for years.

If that isn’t happiness then I don’t know what is.

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