My newest (musical) obsession

September 15, 2008 at 11:39 pm (life, random) (, , )

About a week ago, sort of by a mix of accident and luck I discovered this amazing band that can be best described as a mix of Arcade Fire and Snow Patrol, but you know, from Iceland, so I can’t understand a damn word they’re saying. They’re called Sigur Ros, and they are freaking amazing, the whole band is enormous, like 10 people, and if you have any taste in music whatsoever I highly recommend checking them out. So far my favorite songs are Staralfur and Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur ,Hoppipolla is really beautiful too. If you like sweeping orchestral pieces where the music simultaneously inspires feelings of uplifting joy and deep melancholy, then Sigur Ros is for you. I mean, trust me on this one kids, look at me, I like them, and I’m awesome, don’t you want to be awesome too?


  1. JPCK said,

    They recently performed at NYC’s MOMA…

  2. hautepocket said,

    Snow Patrol will forever remind me of the road trip!

  3. artichokeshavehearts said,

    Ah! I stop reading your blog for awhile, and then you go and talk about one of my favorite bands….Sigur Ros is completely amazing. Proof that your good taste extends to music as well. 🙂

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